VK2/MN-047 (No Name) and VK2/MN-046 Cabbage Tree Mountain, 30/09/2017 by VK2NU/P
Map showing both summits and car parking location.
Before I start, a big shout out to Gerard, VK2IO for giving me some background information and details of the two summits activated.
Both summits are within the Ghin-Doo-Ee National Park.
A 5.45am start, followed by a 2.5 hour drive to Cabbage Tree Mountain, via the Pacific Hwy, Buladelah, and Cabbage Tree Road. The SatNav took me direct to VK2/MN-046 where there is plenty of space for parking.
Sign at the summit of Cabbage Tree Mountain.
Car parked in the activation zone of Cabbage Tree, MN-046
Gerard mentioned that the road past Cabbage Tree was OK for 2wd vehicles, if a little rough, but there were a couple of quite large 'humps' which I was concerned about getting my car over.
Speed humps, Ghin-Doo-Ee style..
I therefore parked the car at Cabbage Tree with the plan of walking to VK2/MN-047, and then activating Cabbage Tree on my return.
The Track is good with a return trip of just over 7km (including the cross country leg at the end).
Mainly downhill (not including last 200m scrub bashing)
After turning off Cabbage Tree Tree and turning onto Little River Trail, I climbed until the road reached its highest point (after about 500m).
There is no Trail to the summit and the bush is very dense (even more so than Brumlow Tops last week). However, I was prepared for this (thanks VK2IO), and equipped with long pants in the rucksack to protect the legs, I took my time and climbed steadily.
I didn't time it, but it seemed like it took about 30-40 minutes to get to a spot were I was 'confident' I was was in the activation zone. I'm pretty sure I wasn't quite at the summit, but my GPS has me within 30m of it.
The only photo I took of the operating location....
Did I mention the bush was very dense here.... My first attempt to get a line over a branch to suspend my EFHW, ended up in me losing a fishing weight and about 10m of line. I ended up with the EFHW wire antenna in a lazy-Z configuration suspended from some low branches (wish I hadn't left the squid pole in the car)..
I got on air at about 09.30am local (half an hour before 00:00UTC), and was surprised to work 19 contacts (considering the antenna layout), with one S2S, with Compton VK2HRX on VK2/CT-007.
Last contact was made 50 minutes later, and I was packed up and heading down by 10:35am (00:35UTC). The decent was easier, and I managed to find the track without issue this time, thanks to GPS, and the fact that there was so little room to move, I was unable to get lost at the top.
The walk back was straight forward, and I got back to the car in quick time, even jogging in a few spots.
This should have been the easier of the two activation's, but I managed to lose my spare fishing weight, when it got wrapped around a tree branch, after an over enthusiastic catapult shot.Plan B, I had the squid pole in the car so taped the EFHW up its length and pushed it into a tree about a metre or so above ground and at a 45ยบ Angle, so the last 2-3 metres would droop down.
Not great...
Shack in a bag, first time using iPad for spotting..
Another very sub-optimal antenna configuration, but managed 15 contacts on 20m and 40m, so no issues activating the summit. I also got my first VK6(NU) from a SOTA activation. I wonder if he supports Newcastle United as well???
After my last activation, this one turned out to be quite 'tame', with no injuries, getting lost etc etc. I did pick up two leeches in the day, but can live with this..
Time permitting, I had considered a third activation for the day, to VK2/MN-212 (see my failed previous attempt). After leaving Cabbage Tree, I drove to Bachelor State forest, and walked the first section of the Trail (1.5km each way), but turned around as I was a bit worried I may not get out before dark. I did however discover that the Trail is good (at least this section), and have firmed this for another date!!
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