Friday, 4 August 2017


VK2NU Summits on the Air (SOTA) Activation's...

I started SOTA in 2017, as it seemed like a good way of combining Ham Radio, and a bit of exercise. I'm certainly no mountaineer, and would better describe myself as a 'fair weather hiker'.

The plan of this blog is to document the summits activated... Hope you enjoy and apologies in advance for the poor photography.

  VK2/HU-094 Mount Yacaaba, Port Stephens (July 2017)


  1. Great blog David VK2NU, your photography is very nice indeed.
    Cheers, Garry VK2GAZ

  2. Thanks Garry, iPHONE 4 and a shaky hand!!!
    Cheers, David VK2NU
